Welcome to Kidzbees!
Who's playing around?...

Yah, that's my kids... kids are born to be the wonders of our home. Kids are like a bees whose always busy doing something for fun... 

Try to understand their thoughts and feelings coz each moment with them is like a magical moment that money can't buy.....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

School times

It's school time again. Mom's and dad's are again busy on taking care of their kids. Mom's busy preparing for kids meals for school and breakfast while dad's busy on kid's lending to school.

Hard but happy to do those things. Being parents it's really part of their responsibilities. Waking up early in the morning and studying again when they came from school.

Kids are also tired and busy. They were in school for about 9hours per day and they only have some hours left at home. They studied in school and yet they still need to study at home for their plenty of assignments and quiz on the following day. They have to memorize and so many others for their projects.

Is this fair for the kids? Well, education is really important and they really need to pursue that career. But sometimes we need to give them also time for themselves. They were still kids and they also wanting something for fun. I think it is also better to balance everything. School should also understand that at home kids must take a rest from a long hours of schooling. I think better to give points to review only not so many assignments. This exercises should be done at school. Because they only have few hours stay at home.

That's why we as parents have a big role in their schooling. We are the one who will adjust and balanced for them. Listen to their needs. They need us to monitor them and assist them.

School times, school days, school memories, will always be a history when it passed by. So let's make those times a wonderful school times.

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